Why Starlink is a great solution for Telemedicine in the Antarctic

Kai Müller, expedition medic and polar guide, has now returned from Antarctica and has given a full overview of Starlink’s valuable role during his journey. Starlink - Internet connectivity in Remote Locations It was back in 2023, that Kai first sounded out our CTO, Tim Belfall, of West-End Wi-Fi,  about the possibility of using [...]

Meet Kai…

Kai  Müller is a polar guide and expedition medic, who has expertise in working in challenging environments, which would certainly faze the rest of us! He has both military and medical backgrounds and has previously completed several tours of Afghanistan and Iraq.  However, when he moved to Norway, he then found his true calling [...]

By |2024-03-06T10:53:11+00:00March 6th, 2024|Commercial, Pop-Up Wi-Fi, Starlink|0 Comments

End Digital Poverty Day – 12th September

Just imagine not being able to pay your bills online, access your emails or book tickets for a show from your computer.  In short, what would it be like to live without the internet? For many people, this is the unfortunate norm. There are many people who are digitally disenfranchised. Whether it be a [...]

Cereals 2023 Show

It’s green, it’s big and it’s back for 2023!  This year, the Cereals 2023 show, was held in June, on the Thoresby Estate, Perlethorpe in Nottinghamshire. This unique event, which focuses on the very latest updates in arable farming, provides the organisers with enormous challenges, simply because of its sheer size. With nearly 400 [...]

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